TECTA™ B16 Instrument
The TECTA™ B16 is an automated microbiological platform that uses patented Polymer Partition technology. This platform is simple, sensitive and flexible, allowing the testing of samples at any time of the day.
The TECTA™ B16 automatically transmits the data through a network connection allowing for immediate notification on electronic devices, such as cell phone or laptops, as soon as a contamination event is detected.

When regularly testing water quality you want to be certain you get the results back quickly, accurately and efficiently. TECTA-PDS (Pathogen Detection Systems) develops fully automated, microbiology systems for performing on-site regulatory compliance testing for E. coli and Total Coliform bacteria in drinking water distribution system samples. Our TECTA™ B16 is fully automated and can provide E. coli and Total Coliform results in 2-18 hours, depending on the level of contamination. With integrated networking capabilities, the TECTA™ B16 will provide immediate notification and early warning of positive sample results as soon as they occur. Results can be forwarded to any device including computers, tablets and smart phones.
Why Choose TECTA™?Fast, Reliable, Accurate.
The TECTA™ B16 is an automated microbiological platform that uses patented Polymer Partition technology. This platform is simple, sensitive and flexible, allowing the testing of samples at any time of the day.
The TECTA™ B16 automatically transmits the data through a network connection allowing for immediate notification on electronic devices, such as cell phone or laptops, as soon as a contamination event is detected.
The Data You Receive:
Faster E. coli and Total Coliform results. Results available in 2-18 hours depending on the level of contamination.
Fully automated on-site microbiology testing.
Continuous sample monitoring coupled with automated sample interpretation.
Networking capabilities allow for immediate notification and early warning of positive sample results as soon as they occur.
Single cell sensitivity for both E. coli and Total Coliform
Contact us today to arrange a free demonstration
How it works
Regulatory Approvals
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), USA
MOE (Ministry of Environment, Ontario), Canada
NIER (National Institute of environmental Research), South Korea
Department of Health – National Reference Laboratory, Philippines
Ministry of Health, New Zealand
Third Party Validations
US EPA ETV (Environmental Technology Verification) Program, USA
Journal of Microbiological Methods – Habash & Johns, Canada, USA
Monash University, Melbourne Water, EPA Victoria, Australia
MDDELCC (Ministère du Développement durable, de l’ Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, Quebec), SEPAQ (Société des établissements de plein air du Québec), Canada